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Chimes Cheers August 2024 Edition

Chimes proudly introduces Chimes Cheers, the recognition newsletter dedicated to celebrating the talents and achievements of our exceptional team members. Chimes Cheers recognizes our employees who live the five core values of Chimes as witnessed and submitted by their fellow colleagues.

Within each edition, you’ll discover new additions to our team, team member milestones, and be inspired by the remarkable success stories within Chimes.

Through this initiative, we aim to embody our mission, vision, and values, fostering a culture of celebration and gratitude. Together, let us honor our colleagues whose dedication empowers lives and enables the future of individuals with differing abilities.

We look forward to receiving your submissions for next month’s edition. The deadline to submit is September 19th. Please only use this form to submit your Cheers.

Anna Fritzges always makes sure that events are set up and broken down. She goes above and beyond for the cookouts and summer potlucks. When I helped with the Director and Above Retreat, she went and got pastries and fruit for breakfast. She made sure that we had the soda and snacks for the day. She is super helpful.  She also helped me with registration at the Annual Meeting.  She makes my life a lot easier! – Theresa Peddicord

We have an individual who lives with us in our Collier home who likes to write (more like carve) on their bedroom walls. Instead of just repairing the walls and repainting, Steve Sibit came up with the idea to paint 2 of their walls with chalkboard paint giving the individual the outlet to continue to write on the walls without being destructive. – Shelly Shaffer

Thank you to Melissa Tilley for Caring to share with me the Holcomb High Five publication as the creative spark that inspired Chimes Cheers! – Lindy Bowman

Ms. Edith Thomas has been very proactive in situations. She understands how much training our employees means to Chimes, and doesn’t hesitate or say No. She makes sure that she trains staff on individual’s in a timely manner. Ms. Edith brings energy and ideas to the team. She is always looking for a solution to a problem instead of pointing the finger. She comes to work every day on time and prepared for the day. Ms. Edith has gone beyond her department to help out other departments when needed. She responds to emails in minutes if she’s not tied up with an individual or team member. Thank You! – LaBria Shannon:

Ms. Aurielle Washington gives all 5 values on a daily basis, I am so grateful to be a part of her team. She makes sure that all of us are in good hands. – Stefanie Brown

We are thrilled to celebrate Adrienne Nelson, who has been a dedicated Program Assistant at Chimes School for 16 years. During her time with us, Adrienne has made a significant impact, helping children with IDD achieve their goals and succeed in school. In addition to her remarkable work, Adrienne went back to college and earned her Bachelor’s degree. This fall, she will be returning to complete her Master’s program. Chimes and our students are incredibly fortunate to have someone as committed and passionate as Ms. Adrienne in the classroom. Please join us in congratulating Adrienne on her achievements and wishing her continued success in her Master’s program! – Pamela Meadows

Rich Gonsman exemplifies the value of Caring. He takes the time to get to know staff at his sites. He does not hesitate to get involved and resolve staff issues big or small. He is relatable and staff appreciate his empathy and kindness. – Joni Dorsett

Thanks to Nicole Brown for inspiring the idea of Chimes Cheers! by her dedication of recognizing Chimes Holcomb members through the Holcomb High Five. – Lindy Bowman

My Staff Reuben Omete is very empathetic and has a passion for helping others, he has a strong understanding of excellent support principles, and effective conflict resolution with incredible problem-solving skills. Reuben is a big part of the success here at Zamora Ct. – Alexis Baldon

Shout out to Thomas “Jay” Stewart for launching the Chimes DC Internship Program in 2022! This program has been a game-changer, providing job skills training and full-time employment opportunities for transitioning high school students with disabilities. Thanks to Jay’s vision, many of these students are now full-time Chimes employees, and the program has truly transformed their lives.

Chimes Cheers to Darla Lukes for her contributions. She provided the idea for the Chimes Prom Event. Darla is also actively collaborating with her co-workers on Arts & Crafts activities. She has offered a number of creative ideas from day one, and she even encouraged our participants to grow a food and flower garden. – Joy Billings

CHEERS!!! To Heather Perdigon for always CARING by answering her phone and/or emails to ensure QUALITY documentation in FOCUS during this Delaware statewide transition and to a new employee facing frustrating FOCUS issues. I call and she answers immediately, which relieves any anxiety to one who values on time submission of documentation. – Elizabeth R Brown

Cheers to Phil Coover for helping out with Seaford battery replacement and keeping me informed of any issues that may impact IT. Your great communication and teamwork are very appreciated! You guys Rock! – Gregg Young

Shout out to Lauren Gonzales who was empowered to create an avalanche of Chimes branded materials immediately after she started! – Lindy Bowman

I want to send a cheer for the York team. They have done amazing work this summer running Kids Group camps. – Amanda Keatley

Folake Osoba is someone that likes her job and loves what she does. She never finds it difficult to work and is a very good team worker. Her joy all the time is for all of her individuals to get a job they like and keep it. She never keeps her work to just job coaching, she will help in other areas in her department where help is needed and, above all, she cares for all she serves.

I am a brand-new employee, three months today (8/13) and Theresa Peddicord has been more then welcoming and has helped answer any questions I have had. She also invited me to the local day program on week two or three to go to a lunch and awards ceremony. It was very nice of her to think of me. Especially since I didn’t know anyone really. Cheers to Theresa!!!!! – Meghane Duvall

I would like to give a big Chimes shout out to Michelle Harleman for her team first mentality. She has taken a proactive approach, within her upbeat comedic personality to assist and guide me during my onboarding process. Thanks! – Jermane Swakcerd

Thanks to Rachel McCullough for Collaborating across the organization to develop and produce Quality and on time reports, meeting or exceeding all Source America timelines in support of the Quarterly Employment Reports. – David Ware

Mary Shellow, DSP has dedicated her talents, creativity and devotion to our individuals when and where ever needed. Mary’s fun and educational crafts with enriching ideas has taken our employees and individuals to reach their potential. An example, I am reminded of is the project displayed in our foyer with the ocean theme. – Joy Billings

Gabriel Oluwayemi works at Chimes School. He is so committed to his work and likes and cares for all the students he works with. Gabriel will not miss his work one day, even when he needs to take care of his family. He thinks about his students first making sure they are all doing good at all times. He keeps appointments for family until after work hours. Gabriel will talk about Chimes to anyone he meets and how it is the best company to work for like he’s been there for a longtime. In all, he loves his job, cares, and is so committed. – Folake Osoba

A huge thank you to Kriti Gyawali for her QUALITY in organizing the ribbon cutting ceremony at the Chimes MD residence on Maxine Circle! The event was professionally produced and was attended by Maryland State Senator Shelly Hettleman. A great day for Chimes! – Lindy Bowman

Mr. Rick Houck was a problem solver during our VERY SPECIAL OLYMPIC GAMES. When we needed additional seating for participants from Intervals and Liberty Club East, the staff immediately called on him… “MR. RICK!”. Before we knew it, he quickly brought in seventy chairs from the Chimes School, un-racking them for our safety. On the final day, he also placed orange cones in the parking lot for our fitness walk for additional safety. I’m grateful he’s here at LCW—always approachable and accessible. Many thanks to Mr. Rick for making my job easier to achieve and the implementation of our various social activities! – Marcha (Marcia) Green

Maggie Hughes created a fun announcement for our new attendance policy. Really fun and above and beyond effort. – Barb Saunders

Janice Smith is dedicated to her job and always willing to help when needed. Her attendance is great, she’s always happy and smiling with a good attitude. – Maira Cruz Sanchez

I would like to shout out Kelly Jarvis. She is a new hire who jumped in with both feet. She set and ran several groups. Yay!! – Amanda Keatley 

I would like to give a Chimes Cheer to Jason Bowser. Thank you for your help with setting up the scanning the past few weeks and another IT issue we encountered. I appreciate you making the time to help with the issue and your due diligence to do your best to help resolve the issue. Very much appreciated. – Gregg Young

Ms. Joy Billings started in Nov ‘22 – since then she has contributed loads of ideas, cost saving suggestions for our facility, and builds a friendly and fun environment for our participants. With every idea, Joy submits a ton of FUN, ex: “Dicing to End of the Row;” or “Walking Thru Zoo;” or “Autism Puzzle Poster;” or inhouse Sign Language offered at Front Desk. – Adrian Garcia

Thank you Dhruv Patel for holding the fort down while I was on the road at remote sites this week. It is nice to know that I can count on you to follow up with our staff in my absence and keep me in the loop of any issue that may need to be addressed. Your hard work is appreciated and you are a pleasure to work with! – Gregg Young

Kristen Loveless worked hard to create HR documents for our new Attendance Policy. Collaborated with HR and Communications for approval. Her ability to jump in saved outside departments time and kept the project on track. – Barb Saunders

Tracy Starks started February 2024 and has been a pure pleasure to work with every day. She’s helpful, kind, selfless, dependable and reliable. She accepts and completes any task given with a smile. Never complains and is the best team player to her team. She gives Chimes Cheer every day! – Artisha Hall

Check out our most recent video message from
Steve DaRe, Chimes President & CEO.

Steve shares details on our 3-year strategic planning process and our new Mission, Vision & Values!

Chimes just cut the ribbon on a newly renovated community living home in Maryland! Four residents will enjoy the totally upgraded home.

Thank you to everyone who made our Summer Red Cross Blood Drive a big success!


We are thrilled to welcome the following to the Chimes team!

  • Leslie Thompson, Division Director, Maryland




We wish the following the best of luck on their future endeavors!

  • Asim Thomas, Director of Operations
  • Bud DeFlaviis, Director of Government Relations
  • Karen Roberts, Director of Finance 
  • Terry Ellis-Morton, Director of Residential Services

Join us in congratulating the following Chimes team members on their July anniversaries!

Celebrating 25 Years

  • Marquitte K. Fisher, Hourly Supervisor
  • Foday S. Kamara, House Manager

Celebrating 20 Years

  • Maria Guzman De Reyes, Custodian
  • Irene D. Lazo, Custodian
  • Fernando Portillo, Custodian
  • Tora L. Terry, Direct Support Prof

Celebrating 15 Years

  • Samuel Kamau, Direct Support Prof
  • Esther M. Olakunle, House Manager
  • Olatunde A. Olakunle, Division Manager
  • Jermaine N. Donkor, Direct Support Prof
  • Abinet B. Deane, Direct Support Prof




Celebrating 10 Years

  • Regina M. Depase, Custodian
  • Jerome A. Frost III, Custodian
  • Donnella C. Jones, Lead Worker
  • April S. Smith, Custodian
  • Michele A. Timms, Behavior Consultant IND
  • David M. Lambert, CSS Coordinator

Celebrating 5 Years

  • Mayra J. Whitmoyer, GFEBS PMC
  • Daniel Childs, Custodian
  • Joseph E. Tunewald Sr., Custodian
  • Tee N. Nahgahgwon, Custodian
  • Kevin S. Robinson, Custodian
  • Shirley D. Mccray, Custodian
  • Dominic A. Johnson, Custodian
  • Brian K. Johnson, Chief Admin Officer
  • Adele A. Boateng, Direct Support Prof
  • Mbalu Jalloh, Direct Support Prof
  • Gwen R. Clay, Crisis Specialist
  • Joshua Paul, Crisis Specialist
  • Judith Fasig, Crisis Specialist
  • Adebola O. Fasugba, Direct Support Prof