Chimes Hub


A new approach to performance evaluations at Chimes: Continuous Performance Improvement (CPI).

The secret to achieving our Mission is to continuously improve every day.  Each of us getting better in living our Values and being effective in our roles, as defined by universal Success Factors. (FYI, DSPs will continue to use Success Factors defined by The NADSP Competency Areas.)  An important part of continuous improvement is to receive (and provide) regular Coaching & Feedback and to be simple in design with meaningful content. 

 Our new CPI focuses on being simple in design and meaningful in content: 

  1. Living our Values: Caring, Empowered, Collaborative, Quality, Fun!
  2. Our Success Factors: To be even more effective in our roles
  3. Our Individual Development Plan: How can I advance my career at Chimes?

 Introductory sessions will be scheduled this week and next, and we really hope that you agree the process is simple and clear.   Details to follow.

 Thanks for all you do for Chimes!

ArtFall is our largest annual fundraising event. We want all of our team members to have the opportunity to attend this amazing celebration and support Chimes at the same time.

Check out our latest video for news about a special ArtFall offer and enter to win a free T-Shirt!

Our VP of Development and Communications, Lindy Bowman, walks you through all you need to know about ArtFall24 – make sure you watch the entire video to enjoy some fun bloopers at the end!

Thanks for all you do Chimes team!

Check out core elements of the strategic plan in English:


Download Strategic Plan – English Here

Check out core elements of the strategic plan in Spanish:


Download Strategic Plan – Spanish Here